Looking for a healthier version of a chocolate bark? With bulk stores now selling greek yogurt chips, we decided to try our hands at a greek yogurt bark. One that doesn’t need to be stored in the fridge or freezer. It’s the perfect solution for a quick snack, something sweet for your purse, or even your child’s lunchbox. With the addition of granola, and dried fruits – it’s a new spin on a yogurt parfait! No spoon necessary. Just snap and go!
Servings: 12
Prep Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 15 mins
3 cups greek yogurt chips
Dried blueberries
Dried Acai berries
Dried mango slices, chopped
Microwave safe bowl
Baking sheet
Parchment paper
In a microwave safe bowl, microwave your greek yogurt chips on high in 30 second intervals, stirring in between, until they're melted.
Spread out onto a parchment paper lined baking sheet, and top with granola, dried fruit and anything else you see fit.
Chill in the fridge to set, for 15 mins.
Cut/break apart into individual pieces, and store in a sealed ziploc bag or container.
Sarah Nicole
Since successfully losing 100lbs by changing her relationship with food and her body, Sarah has taken her passion for food and balanced it between cucumbers and cupcakes. When she's not bustling her way around a kitchen, you can find her working out or winding down at home with her 3 kids and pug. Follow Sarah's journey on Instagram @TheBirdsPapaya.